Business Activities

Research & Development
Based on our excellent R&D capabilities, we create innovative
products and pioneer new treatments in dermatology.
Placing emphasis on creating new products, which is to say, the ability to create new things, Maruho is committed to research and development focusing on medical drugs mainly in dermatology. Also, with its capabilities in late-stage development, including the addition of various dosage forms and indications, based on its unique topical drug formulation technology, as well as its nurturing capabilities, the Company is striving to develop drugs that take into consideration the needs and feelings of every patient. Moreover, taking advantage of its position as an unlisted company, Maruho properly allocates its management resources from a medium- to long-term perspective. We also make active investments in projects that will lead to social contributions by expanding business areas and tackling rare diseases.
Ensuring quality assurance and a stable supply of pharmaceutical products through a stable and flexible production system
Since the completion of the Hikone Plant in 1972, Maruho has actively invested management resources to strengthen its production bases and production systems under the mission of providing a stable supply of high-quality pharmaceutical products. Today, with a thorough quality management system and the top-class production capacity in Japan supported by four plants, including those of the Group companies, Maruho contributes to ensuring safety and security in its product supply of topical drugs and improving the QOL of patients.
Providing Information
Providing high-quality information to satisfy the needs of patients
and establishing communication infrastructure
In order to contribute to society through our pharmaceutical business, not only research and development of drugs but also appropriate provision of information on diseases and products are necessary. Maruho aims to contribute to medical care and improving the QOL of patients by collecting and providing information on pharmaceutical products for medical professionals to promote their proper use while communicating correct knowledge on diseases for patients.
Global Presence
Collaborating with overseas partners by utilizing the strengths of
Maruho, to expand global presence in the medium to long term
Utilizing the technologies and information provision capabilities it has cultivated in Japan, Maruho aims to maximize product value by collaborating with overseas partners and contribute to better health for patients not only in Japan but around the world.
Expanding Business Areas
Expanding new businesses through collaborations
with Group companies and partner companies
To accelerate the growth of the entire Maruho Group, we must acquire a new growth driver. Maruho will venture into new businesses beyond the current business areas through collaboration with Group companies and partner companies.
Management Base
Toward Realizing Our Mission - Management Base -
Maruho strives to establish a workplace environment where every employee can work autonomously and healthily, while also implementing initiatives to protect the regional and global environments as a member of society. We will also continue voluntary activities to incorporate initiatives to help resolve social issues in our corporate culture. At the same time, we aim to expand the social value that Maruho creates by maintaining and enhancing our corporate governance through initiatives to pursue fair and transparent corporate activities and ensure compliance.