Maruho Report 2023

Maruho Report 2023202.Value Creation Prospectsissues we can expect to face at every age. It’s very lonely when you are worried like that. In our circle, people are always saying that it’s the first time they’ve someone facing the same issues. It’s reassuring to know that you’re not alone.It is also important to have information that leads to correct understanding, knowledge, and effective treatment. I was worried that my daughter’s treatment was only addressing the symptoms, and that our efforts to create the best living environment would not lead to a cure.My doctor taught me that skin care is very important when dealing with food allergies. Later, when I was volunteering to help with infant health examinations, I saw many babies with eczema. I started discussing with the health center staff about whether properly treating infant eczema could prevent food allergies. With the help of medical specialists, we began a skin care workshop. The health center provides information to help parents understand the situation both before and after the child is born. I think that is really important for parents. We created the “Smile Smile” Osaka Sayama Food Allergy and Atopy Circle in 2004 with the primary objective of providing the knowledge and support for “curing” allergies.“Smile Smile” is a discussion circle for parents of children with allergies and atopic dermatitis. My goal goes beyond that. I want to make a society that doesn’t need patient groups—a society where discussions can take place anywhere, where the same information and treatments are available everywhere. I want local and national governments to support the people who care for patients. My hope is to create a structure where everyone can see when a patient is lonely or worried, and we can all look out for each other.Patients rarely have direct contact with pharmaceutical companies, and we know very little about what they do. I felt like I, my family, and our doctors were fighting allergies on our own. I remember the relief I felt the moment I learned that, beyond the doctors, there were pharmaceutical companies who were also working to make drugs to help us. Knowing that the pharmaceutical companies had people providing the information we need for proper treatment, people making the drugs we need, and people researching new drugs renewed my motivation to do the best we can with our treatment.From Maruho, the first thing I would want is for it to provide information. Our sessions focus mainly on moisturizing and caring for the skin, but I’d like more people to know how much lotion to use and how to apply it properly. For example, information like applying the lotions properly will completely change the skin condition in one month. I hope Maruho will continue providing this type of useful information through medical professionals and others.I would also like to ask Maruho to join our support group for patients. I’d like all pharmaceutical companies, doctors, pharmacists, and everyone to join with patients so we can all work together to make all of our lives better.What society needs andhow Maruho can contribute

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