Maruho Report 2023

AnaphylaxisMetal allergiesPollen allergiesPerennialallergic rhinitisFood allergiesDrug allergiesAllergicconjunctivitisAtopicdermatitisBronchialasthma(%)400302010Maruho Report 20231914.641.431.216.315.822. Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Administrative Survey“Epidemiological research to understand the diversity of allergic diseases and the actual conditions of daily life”Narumi Tano2. Value Creation Prospects Expectations for MaruhoLooking ahead after being diagnosed witha food allergyMaruho aims to contribute to achieving SDG Goal 3, Good Health and Well-being, by addressing the concerns of patients so society will be a place where everyone can live with a smile.Our driving force is any need that has been overlooked, given up on, or remains unmet.We talked with Narumi Tano, whose daughter suffers from food allergies, and who is a representative of the “Smile Smile” Osaka Sayama Food Allergy and Atopy Circle that supports parents and children with food allergies.About 20 years ago when my second daughter was five months old, she went into anaphylactic shock because of powdered milk. It was the first time I had given it to her. After one or two drops, I noticed that she didn’t like it, so I stopped immediately. A few minutes later, however, she started crying and crying until her voice became hoarse and her body and face started swelling. I had no idea what was happening.A blood test at the hospital found she was allergic to powdered milk. Later tests revealed that she was allergic to a whole variety of foods, including eggs, milk, wheat, rice, and fish. Because medical care is based primarily on blood tests, we were forced to put her on an elimination diet to isolate the specific foods she was allergic to. I didn’t know what to feed her to make sure she was getting the nutrition she needed, and I was worried about how she was going to live. There was no one I could talk to about it, and I couldn’t find any books or online resources that could help me. For a while, I had no idea what was going to happen in the future.Even when it came time to introduce solid foods, she had so many allergies that I didn’t know what I could feed her. I remember going to the supermarket and standing at the entrance in tears because I didn’t know what to buy. How would we keep her alive? How will this change the way we raise our older daughter? What is our family going to eat? I desperately needed information that would help us lead regular lives.What I wanted most at that time was simply information that would make me feel like everything was going to be all right. I wanted to know that there are other children who have overcome food allergies and atopic dermatitis and are doing well. I wanted to know about their lives when they were in school, when they were adolescents, and when they were entering society—information that would show me what “Smile Smile” Osaka SayamaFood Allergy and Atopy CircleMs. Tano is part of a citizen collaboration project in Sayama City, Osaka that works with allergy specialists and government agencies to present skin care workshops when infants receive medical examinations. Since 2022, she has served as a member of the Committee for the Creation Clinical Guidelines for the Treatment of Pediatric Atopic Dermatitis. She Representative is the mother of two children.Special FeaturePatient VoicesI wanted informationso I would know everythingwas going to be all rightCreating a society where the same information and same treatment is available anytime and anywhereExpectations for Maruho

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