Maruho Co.,Ltd. Corporate Information

66.8%21.3%■ Ranked No.1 among dermatologists   in Japan in overall company ranking■ Maruho sales representatives   ranked No.1 overall among   dermatologists in Japan■ Maruho sales representatives   ranked No.1 overall among   pediatricians in JapanNo.1*INTAGE Healthcare Inc. Rep-i web survey of doctor’s assessment of sales reps conducted twice a year. Aug. 2020 survey: 502 respondents. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.*Percentage of dermatologists who answered “No.1/High” in survey.Created based on a Rep-i web survey for dermatologists in Japan (Aug. 2020) by INTAGE Healthcare Inc. Aug. 2020 survey: 502 respondents. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.*INTAGE Healthcare Inc. Rep-i web survey of doctor’s assessment of sales reps conducted twice a year. Aug. 2020 survey: 869 respondents. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.Pharmaceutical Company with a High Reputation in the Dermatology and Pediatric Market06正式社名ロゴタイプ/和文ブランドロゴタイプ正式社名ロゴタイプ/英文12mm最小使用サイズ

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